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1st CN - Olfactory Nerve |
2nd CN - Optic Nerve |
3rd CN- Occulomotor Nerve, 4th CN - Trochlear Nerve |
5th CN - Trigeminal Nerve |
6th CN - Abducens Nerve, 7 8 th CN Complex - Facial and Vestibulochoclear Nerve |
9th CN - Glassopharyngeal Nerve, 10th CN Vagus Nerve |
11th CN - Spinal Accessory Nerve, 12th CN - Hypoglossal Nerve |
Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves can be thought of as modified spinal nerves, since the general functional fibre types found in spinal nerves are also found in cranial nerves but are supplemented by special afferent or efferent fibre.
The 12 pairs of cranial nerves are identified either by name or by Roman or Arabic numeral.
Olfactory Nerve (CN I or 1)
Conveying information concerning olfaction, or smell. Bipolar cells in the nasal mucosa give rise to axons that enter the cranial cavity through foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. These cells and their axons, totaling about 20 to 24 in number, make up the olfactory nerve. Once in the cranial cavity, the fibres terminate in a small oval structure resting on the cribriform plate called the olfactory bulb. The functional component of olfactory fibres is special visceral afferent. Injury or disease of the olfactory nerve may result in anosmia, an inability to detect odours.
Optic Nerve (CN II or 2)
Rods and cones in the retina of the eye receive information from the visual fields and, through intermediary cells, convey this input to retinal ganglion cells. Ganglion cell axons converge at the optic disc, pass through the sclera, and form the optic nerve. Optic nerve from each eye enters the skull via the optic foramen, and they join to form the optic chiasm. At the chiasm, fibres from the nasal halves of each retina cross, while those from the temporal halves remain uncrossed. In this way the optic tracts, which extend from the chiasm to the thalamus, contain fibres conveying information from both eyes. Injury to one optic nerve therefore results in total blindness of that eye, while damage to the optic tract on one side results in partial blindness in both eyes.
Since the subarachnoid space around the brain is continuous with that around the optic nerve, increases in intracranial pressure can result in papilledema.
Oculomotor Nerve (CN III or 3)
The oculomotor nerve arises from two nuclei in the rostral midbrain. These are (1) the oculomotor nucleus, the source of general somatic efferent fibres to superior, medial, and inferior recti muscles, to the inferior oblique muscle, and to the levator palpebrae superious muscle, and (2) the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, which projects general visceral efferent preganglionic fibres to the ciliary ganglion. The oculomotor nerve exits the ventral midbrain,
pierces the dura mater, courses through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, and exits the cranial cavity via the superior orbital fissure. Within the orbit it branches into a superior ramus (to the superior rectus and levator muscles) and an inferior ramus (to the medial and inferior rectus muscles, the inferior oblique muscles, and the ciliary ganglion). Postganglionic fibres from the ciliary ganglion innervate the sphincter pupillae muscle of the iris as well
as the ciliary muscle. Oculomotor neurons project primarily to orbital muscles on the same side of the head. A lesion of the oculomotor nerve will result in paralysis of the three rectus muscles and the inferior oblique muscle (causing the eye to rotate downward and slightly outward), paralysis of the levator palpebrae superious muscle (drooping of the eyelids), and
paralysis of the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles (so that the iris will remain dilated and the lens will not accommodate).
Trochlear Nerve (CN IV or 4)
The fourth cranial nerve is unique for three reasons. First, it is the only cranial nerve to exit the dorsal side of the brainstem. Second, fibres from the trochlear nucleus cross in the midbrain before they exit, so that trochlear neurons innervate the contralateral (opposite side) superior oblique muscle of the eye. Third, trochlear fibres have a long intracranial course before piercing the dura mater. The trochlear nucleus is located in the caudal midbrain; the functional component of these cells is general somatic efferent. After exiting at the dorsal side of the midbrain, the trochlear nerve loops around the midbrain, pierces the dura mater, and passes through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. It then enters the orbit through
the superior orbital fissure and innervates only the superior oblique muscle, which rotates the eye downward and slightly outward. Damage to the trochlear nerve will result in a loss of this eye movement and may produce double vision (diplopia).
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V or 5)
The trigeminal nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves. It has both motor and sensory components, the sensory fibres being general somatic afferent and the motor fibres being special visceral efferent. Most of the cell bodies of sensory fibres are located in the trigeminal ganglion, which is attached to the pons by the trigeminal root. These fibres convey pain and thermal sensations from the face, oral and nasal cavities, and parts of the dura mater and nasal
sinuses, sensations of deep pressure, and information from sensory endings in muscles. Trigeminal motor fibres, projecting from nuclei in the pons, serve the muscles of mastication (chewing). Lesions of the trigeminal nerve result in sensory losses over the face or in the oral cavity. Damage to the motor fibres results in paralysis of the masticatory muscles; as a result, the jaw may hang open or deviate toward the injured side when opened. Trigeminal neuralgia, or tic douloureux, is an intense pain originating mainly from areas supplied by sensory fibres of the maxillary and mandibular branches of this nerve.
The trigeminal ganglion gives rise to three large nerves: the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.
Abducens Nerve (CN VI or 6)
Divided into four portions:
1. Nuclear portion
2. Cisternal portion
3. Cavernous sinus portion
4. Orbital portion
The Nuclear or intra parenchymal portion is its nucleus in the caudal pons, the abducens nerve exits the brainstem at the pons-medulla junction.
Cisternal portion is the part of nerve after emerging from pons in prepontine cistern. It courses superiorly with the anterior inferior cerebellar artery anterior to it, and the pons posteriorly, pierce the dura at the medial most portion of the petrous apex, passing through the inferior petrosal sinus in Dorello's canal. It is its oblique course and relatively fixed anchor in Dorello's canal which makes it prone to stretching when raised ICP from any space occupying lesion.
Cavernous sinus portion is within the cavernous sinus, the abducens nerve is located inferolateral to the internal carotid artery, medial to the lateral wall of the sinus.
Orbital portion is after having entered the orbit through the tendinous ring. It supplies the lateral rectus. Damage to the abducens nerve results in lateral rectus palsy, a tendency for the eye to deviate medially, may result in double vision.
Divided into four portions:
1. Nuclear portion
2. Cisternal portion
3. Cavernous sinus portion
4. Orbital portion
The Nuclear or intra parenchymal portion is its nucleus in the caudal pons, the abducens nerve exits the brainstem at the pons-medulla junction.
Cisternal portion is the part of nerve after emerging from pons in prepontine cistern. It courses superiorly with the anterior inferior cerebellar artery anterior to it, and the pons posteriorly, pierce the dura at the medial most portion of the petrous apex, passing through the inferior petrosal sinus in Dorello's canal. It is its oblique course and relatively fixed anchor in Dorello's canal which makes it prone to stretching when raised ICP from any space occupying lesion.
Cavernous sinus portion is within the cavernous sinus, the abducens nerve is located inferolateral to the internal carotid artery, medial to the lateral wall of the sinus.
Orbital portion is after having entered the orbit through the tendinous ring. It supplies the lateral rectus. Damage to the abducens nerve results in lateral rectus palsy, a tendency for the eye to deviate medially, may result in double vision.
Facial Nerve (CN VII or 7)
The facial nerve is composed of a large root that innervates facial muscles and a small root (known as the intermediate nerve) that contains sensory and autonomic fibres. From the facial nucleus in the pons, facial motor fibres enter the internal auditory meatus, pass through the
temporal bone, exit the skull via the stylomastoid foramen, and fan out over each side of the face in front of the ear. Fibres of the facial nerve are special visceral efferent; they innervate the small muscles of the external ear, the superficial muscles of the face, neck, and scalp, and
the muscles of facial expression. The intermediate nerve contains autonomic parasympathetic) as well as general and special sensory fibres. Preganglionic autonomic fibres, classified as general visceral efferent, project from the superior salivatory nucleus
in the pons. Exiting with the facial nerve, they pass to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the greater petrosal nerve (a branch of the facial nerve) and to the submandibular ganglion by way of the chorda tympani nerve (another branch of the facial nerve, which joins the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve). Postganglionic fibres from the pterygopalatine ganglion innervate the nasal and palatine glands and the lacrimal gland, while those from the submandibular ganglion serve the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. Among the sensory components of the intermediate nerve, general somatic afferent fibres relay sensation from the caudal surface of the ear, while special visceral afferent fibres originate from taste
buds in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, course in the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve, and then join the facial nerve via the chorda tympani branch. Both somatic and visceral afferent fibres have cell bodies in the geniculate ganglion, which is located on the facial nerve as it passes through the facial canal in the temporal bone. Injury to the facial nerve at the brainstem produces a paralysis of facial muscles known as Bell palsy as well as
a loss of taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. If damage occurs at the stylomastoid foramen, facial muscles will be paralyzed but taste will be intact.
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII or 8)
This cranial nerve has a vestibular part, which functions in balance, equilibrium, and orientation in three-dimensional space, and a cochlear part, which functions in hearing. The functional component of these fibres is special somatic afferent; they originate from receptors located in the temporal bone. Vestibular receptors are located in the semicircular canals of the ear, which provide input on rotatory movements (angular acceleration), and in the utricle and saccule, which generate information on linear acceleration and the influence of gravitational pull. This information is relayed by the vestibular fibres, whose bipolar cell bodies are located in the vestibular (Scarpa) ganglion. The central processes of these neurons exit the temporal bone via the internal acoustic meatus and enter the brainstem alongside the facial nerve. Auditory receptors of the cochlear division are located in the organ of Corti and follow the spiral shape (about 2.5 turns) of the cochlea. Air movement against the eardrum initiates action of the ossicles of the ear, which, in turn, causes movement of fluid in the spiral cochlea. This fluid movement is converted by the organ of Corti into nerve impulses that are interpreted as auditory information. The bipolar cells of the spiral, or Corti, ganglion branch into central processes that course with the vestibular nerve. At the brainstem, cochlear fibres separate from vestibular fibres to end in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei. Lesions of the vestibular root result in eye movement disorders (e.g., nystagmus), unsteady gait with a tendency to fall toward the side of the lesion, nausea, and vertigo. Damage to the cochlea or cochlear nerve results in complete deafness, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), or both.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX or 9)
The ninth cranial nerve, which exits the skull through the jugular foramen, has both motor and sensory components. Cell bodies of motor neurons, located in the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla oblongata, project as special visceral efferent fibres to the stylopharyngeal muscle. The action of the stylopharyngeus is to elevate the pharynx, as in gagging or swallowing. In addition, the inferior salivatory nucleus of the medulla sends general visceral efferent fibres to the otic ganglion via the lesser petrosal branch of the ninth nerve; postganglionic otic fibres innervate the parotid salivary gland. Among the sensory components of the glossopharyngeal nerve, special visceral afferent fibres convey taste sensation from the back third of the tongue via lingual branches of the nerve. General visceral afferent fibres from the pharynx, the back of the tongue, parts of the soft palate and eustachian tube, and the carotid body and carotid sinus have their cell bodies in the superior and inferior ganglia, which are situated, respectively, within the jugular foramen and just outside the cranium. Sensory fibres in the carotid branch detect increased blood pressure
in the carotid sinus and send impulses into the medulla that ultimately reduce heart rate and arterial pressure; this is known as the carotid sinus reflex.
Vagus Nerve (CN X or 10)
The vagus nerve has the most extensive distribution in the body of all the cranial nerves, innervating structures as diverse as the external surface of the eardrum and internal abdominal organs. The root of the nerve exits the cranial cavity via the jugular foramen. Within the foramen is the superior ganglion, containing cell bodies of general somatic afferent fibres, and just external to the foramen is the inferior ganglion, containing visceral afferent cells. Pain and temperature sensations from the eardrum and external auditory canal and pain fibres from the dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa are conveyed on general somatic afferent fibres in the auricular and meningeal branches of the nerve. Taste buds on the root of the tongue and on the epiglottis contribute special visceral afferent fibres to the superior laryngeal branch. General visceral afferent fibres conveying sensation from the lower pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, and organs of the thorax and abdomen to the left (splenic) flexure of the colon converge to form the posterior (right) and anterior (left) vagal
nerves. Right and left vagal nerves are joined in the thorax by cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal branches. In addition, general visceral afferent fibres from the larynx below
the vocal folds join the vagus via the recurrent laryngeal nerves, while comparable input from the upper larynx and pharynx is relayed by the superior laryngeal nerves and by pharyngeal branches of the vagus. A vagal branch to the carotid body usually arises from the inferior ganglion. Motor fibres of the vagus nerve include special visceral efferent fibres arising from the nucleus ambiguus of the medulla oblongata and innervating pharyngeal constrictor muscles and palatine muscles via pharyngeal branches of the vagus as well as the superior laryngeal nerve. All laryngeal musculature (excluding the cricothyroid but including the muscles of the vocal folds) are innervated by fibres arising in the nucleus ambiguus. Cells of the dorsal motor nucleus in the medulla distribute general visceral efferent fibres to plexuses or ganglia serving the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and lungs. In addition, cardiac branches
arise from plexuses in the lower neck and upper thorax, and, once in the abdomen, the vagus gives rise to gastric, celiac, hepatic, renal, intestinal, and splenic branches or plexuses. Damage to one vagus nerve results in hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing or speaking. Injury to both nerves results in increased heart rate, paralysis of pharyngeal and laryngeal musculature, atonia of the esophagus and intestinal musculature, vomiting, and loss of visceral reflexes. Such a lesion is usually life-threatening, as paralysis of laryngeal muscles may result in asphyxiation.
Accessory Nerve (CN XI or 11)
The accessory nerve is formed by fibres from the medulla oblongata (known as the cranial root) and by fibres from cervical levels C1–C4 (known as the spinal root). The cranial root originates from the nucleus ambiguus and exits the medulla below the vagus nerve. Its fibres join the vagus and distribute to some muscles of the pharynx and larynx via pharyngeal and recurrent laryngeal branches of that nerve. For this reason, the cranial part of the accessory
nerve is, for all practical purposes, part of the vagus nerve. Fibres that arise from spinal levels exit the cord, coalesce and ascend as the spinal root of the accessory nerve, enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum, and then immediately leave through the jugular foramen. The accessory nerve then branches into the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which tilts the head toward one shoulder with an upward rotation of the face to the opposite side, and the trapezius muscle, which stabilizes and shrugs the shoulder.
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII or 12)
The hypoglossal nerve innervates certain muscles that control movement of the tongue. From the hypoglossal nucleus in the medulla oblongata, general somatic efferent fibres exit the cranial cavity through the hypoglossal canal and enter the neck in close proximity to the accessory and vagus nerves and the internal carotid artery. The nerve then loops down and forward into the floor of the mouth and branches into the tongue musculature from underneath. Hypoglossal fibres end in intrinsic tongue muscles, which modify the shape of the tongue (as in rolling the edges), as well as in extrinsic muscles that are responsible for changing its position in the mouth. A lesion of the hypoglossal nerve on the same side of the head results in paralysis of the intrinsic and extrinsic musculature on the same side. The tongue atrophies and, on attempted protrusion, deviates toward the side of the lesion.
Reference : The brain and the nervous system / edited by Kara Rogers.
Related article: MRI Planning Protocol for Cranial Nerves
Reference : The brain and the nervous system / edited by Kara Rogers.
Related article: MRI Planning Protocol for Cranial Nerves
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