Saturday 3 September 2011

Post Traumatic Leptomeningeal Cyst MRI

A 15 y o female came for evaluation of a right parietal non tender boggy scalp swelling with an accompanying previous CT report mentioning a bone cyst in right parietal region with expansile lytic destruction of bony calvarium. Films were not available.
Here is her MRI Brain Axial T1 T2 FLAIR, T2*GRE, Cor T2 and Diffusion.
This MRI study of brain shows:
An extra axial cyst in right parietal region, signal isointense to csf on all pulse sequences.
No restricted diffusion on Dw images.
A defect in adjacent bony calvarium with bevelled edges, cyst is partially insinuating in the defect.
An adjacent right parietal focal cortical Gliosis.

Patients relative gives history of penetrating injury to head in the same region at the age of 5 years.

Imaging diagnosis : Post traumatic leptomeningeal cyst.

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